Posts Tagged ‘Cosmetic Dentistry Torrance’
How Can Dental Implants in Lomita Torrance Dental Stop Bone Loss?
Bone loss is a devastating consequence of tooth loss. The most common cause of bone loss is not replacing lost teeth, especially when there’ more than one lost tooth. This is because the health of the jawbone is preserved through constant pressure and when that is reduced due to tooth loss, the bone tends to…
Read MoreFive Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile
One of the greatest pleasures I have, both professionally and personally, is seeing the look on a patient’s face when they look at their spectacular, cosmetic dentistry-enabled smile for the first time. It’s difficult to put the picture and feeling into words. There’s a mixture of awe, amazement and even disbelief. And yes, not to…
Read MoreTop 4 Tips to Avoid Infection After Dental Implant Surgery at Lomita Torrance Dental
As steady and durable as natural tooth roots or root canal, dental implants have become an accepted choice to enduringly replace teeth that have been lost to injury or decay. But effective dental implant surgery depends as much on appropriate aftercare as the surgery itself. At Lomita Torrance Dental, Dr. Teboul has provided hundreds of Torrance…
Read MoreDental Veneers is Right For Me? – Top Reasons Why You Should Dental Veneers for Yourself
Dental veneer are a way to correct and transform your smile by using “contact lens”-thin shells of porcelain or ceramic material and bonding them to the front of your teeth. They are sturdy and long-lasting, look and feel like natural teeth, and improve your smile immediately. Here are some of the top motives to consider getting…
Read MorePreparing Your Dental Health for the New Year
WOW. It’s hard to believe that another year is in the books! With a new one upon us, this is a good time to do an evaluation of your current dental health. The first phase of your new year dental health review is taking stock of your current dental condition. You need to know where…
Read MoreProtecting Your Teeth from Holiday Risks
Urgent dental and holiday risks Protecting your teeth is vital! The holidays are here! The holidays are often such an exciting, happy, and joyful time! For many of us, we will get together – communing, reminiscing, and even celebrating – with family and friends a few to several times over the holidays. However, while this…
Read MoreCommon Dental Questions a Hygienist Hears at Lomita Torrance Dental
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you’ve ever wondered what type of toothpaste to use or why your gums itch, you’re not alone. Many of the patients we see have similar questions about their dental health. These questions are great and we’d like to share some of them with you so you can be better informed about your overall oral…
Read MoreWhat Happens to My Teeth After Dental Veneers, and Will I Ever Get Cavities?
What Are Dental Veneers? Most people have dental veneers to improve the appearance of their teeth and smiles. The cosmetic effect can be dramatic, with changes in shape, form, size and color all contributing to a beautiful smile makeover. Dental veneers are thin, hollow shells of porcelain or composite (filling material) that are placed over your natural…
Read MoreGeneral Dentist Vs Specialist – Who Should You See?
If you’re like most people, you know that general dentists and specialist are different, but you don’t know why. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two so you know which one is right for your next appointment. By now you’re probably familiar with who your general dentist is. As your go-to provider,…
Read MoreBonding, Veneer, or Crown: What’s Best for a Chipped Tooth?
A chipped tooth can be a problem that requires immediate attention. Beyond the cosmetic problem–which most people don’t want to live with–there’s a potential for serious discomfort as well as health problems if a chipped tooth is left untreated. But trying to decide on your chipped tooth treatment quickly can be a problem, too. Here’s…
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